A Church with a Heart for our Community

January 26th Thursday

Greetings to you in the name of The Great ‘I am’ — Jesus Christ – THE Risen Saviour! Another damp, drab day in the Kingdom – but this is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. I just realized that the verse says…be glad ‘in it’ and not ‘for it’! Now that changes the perspective…it is not that day that makes me glad, I make the day special by my ‘glad-itude’! I think there is a little pondering needed at this point. Today I will be praying for you, asking Father to bless you in unexpected ways through surprising means.

Today I learned a new word…and that is always a delight to me. I get to ‘play’ with that word and to see how it will fit into different contexts without diminishing the meaning. The word that I came across today is: TESSITURA … and wouldn’t you know it, it is a musical term. It references the range of notes that a singer is most comfortable and competent in singing. They can sing a wide range of notes but there is a collection of notes that suits their voice and temperment and emotions. Another description would be to say that they have a ‘sweet spot’! When the singer is singing in their ‘tessitura’ they are relaxed and produce beautiful music with an ease that brings pleasure.

I have a sense that we all have a ‘tessitura’ or two in our lives – the work that we do, the hobbies we are drawn to, the family dynamics, the friends we hang out with, the music we listen to, the foods we like to eat, the places where we spend our time. I like being in my sweet spot – my ‘tessitura’. When I am there I am more productive, more at peace, more fulfilled, and enjoy life more. I suppose that another meaning for ‘tessitura’ would be ‘true identity’. When I am free to be the person I am most comfortable with, the person I was created and designed to be – that is joy and peace, a real ‘sweet spot’.

Sadly, we can spend a lot of time trying to be somebody we are not, trying to please another person, trying to prove we are worthy, trying to ‘sing a song’ that we are forcing ourselves to sing …we are out of our ‘tessitura’ – our sweet spot. This morning I came across a powerful prayer that acknowledges our uniqueness as it relates to who we are in God’s eyes and I think that I am going to spend some time with it. I hear a melody in my heart and I hear the words – Oh that’s the place where I long to be – For mighty wonders there I see – Would you be blest? – Then tarry with me – At the cross of Jesus.

Something to ponder – be blessed!