A Church with a Heart for our Community

October 27th Tuesday

Greetings to you in the wonderful, beautiful, and powerful name of Jesus Christ – THE Risen Saviour!  Let us acknowledge that this is the day that the Lord has made…and decide that we will rejoice and be glad in it! I trust that you had a good weekend and Monday with many reasons to thank God for His goodness and benefits. I am believing that you are entering into this wee with trust  and hope in God’s ability to be active in your daily life. Today I will be praying for you, asking Father to grant you peace that is beyond explanation, joy that settles deep in your spirit, and hope that empowers…and I am praying for supernatural healing to be released within you.

It happened again this morning…God left a few ‘bread crumbs’ for me to follow, I guess He wanted me to pay attention, It started with a verse of Scripture…Use every piece of God’s armor to resist the enemy in the time of evil, so that after the battle you will be standing firm – Ephesians 6:13 NLT. There seemed to be a certain something that made me pay attention and the words became a ‘bread crumb’ trail leading me to a devotional comment,

The idea of standing firm in life’s battles and not giving up has expression in a Portuguese word…”garra”! “Garra’ literally means “claws” and describes a person who has claws that dig into the side of a cliff so that they won’t fall. A believer is challenged to have “garra”…to dig their “claws” into the Rock which is Christ Jesus and hang on! Now this wasn’t the end of the ‘bread crumb’ trail.

I was led back to a teaching I heard a few weeks ago at the Global Sing conference. The teaching involved on how to pray the Word for someone who was suffering. The overall concept was that we are to pray that God would accomplish His “purpose” in the life experience of an individual. The first point was found in a verse…His disciples asked him, “Teacher whose sin caused this guy’s blindness, his own, or the sin of his parents?” Jesus answered, “Neither. It happened to him so that you could watch him experience God’s miracle. – John 9:2-3 TPT.

When we show “garra” in the midst of our battles and challenges and suffering the gracious power of God is revealed…and there are people watching! Little do we know how our “garra”, our standing firm, is affecting the opinion those watching of the reality of God.

You never know where a few ‘bread crumbs’ on your path will lead…have a blessed day!