A Church with a Heart for our Community

October 15th Thursday

Greetings to you in the wonderful, beautiful, and powerful name of Jesus Christ – THE Risen Saviour! Yes, even on a dreary day I will say it…”This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!” It may challenge your thinking, but we change the direction of our day by starting it on a positive note, so say it again -“This is the day that the Lord has made”- for me…there is something of value and purpose for me in this day and I don’t want to miss it! This morning I am praying for you, asking Father to let you see Him ‘smiling’ at you…to let you see Him looking at you…to let you sense His love for you…to let you feel the strength of His peace around you…and to let you see His footprints left for you to follow!

Yesterday I shared with you about “rivers” in Scripture and I have been reminded of a favorite passage. As much as I appreciate the image of – Round us flows the cleansing river – The holy, mighty, wonder-working river – there is another scene that captures my attention. Perhaps I appreciate this image because at this time there seems to be such a need for the experience.

Picture if you will a fast flowing stream of water – you can see the force and sense the power…and you need it to slow down somehow. Then you remember how the shepherds would use rocks to build an obstruction – a diversion to create a pool of still water for the sheep to drink from. So, into the rush of your day, you build an obstruction — a cup of coffee and a book, some quiet music and time to reflect, a favorite television program, or even forty winks – and you slow the flow of the river so that you can drink and be refreshed. It does say that God will lead us beside still waters so that He can restore our soul…and He knows how to create diversions and obstructions in order to do so.

This morning I received an email with a list of songs/music for refreshing the soul and one of the songs was meaningful and I will include the link on the prayer email. It just might be that God would use the time to listen to it as an obstruction/diversion in your routine to restore your soul.

Just a little something to ponder…may you be blessed