A Church with a Heart for our Community

October 13th Tuesday

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ – THE Risen Saviour! What a beautiful morning in the Kingdom! I trust that you had a great Thanksgiving weekend…family/friend time, lots of good food, good health, and re-energizing time with just you and God. I will be praying for you today, asking Father to walk closely with you through this week, allowing you to savour all that is good and right and purposeful in your life.

I have been enjoying a few new “CD’s” and I am looking forward to some new releases in the next two weeks. Actually, I have been listening to “Christmas” music…trying to find three or four new songs, or arrangements at least. The interesting thing about music, to me, is its ability to carry us from this present moment to moments in the past. I suppose that music is like a rapid transit system taking us on grand adventures through time. In particular, of course, are the hymns and choruses and psalms and spiritual songs composed at point in time and begetting eternal values. Just think our “praise and worship” today will be remembered, perhaps recorded, for a thousand tomorrows and beyond. If God stores our tears in a bottle, then how important must our laughter and cheers and praises and hallelujahs be. Maybe that is a purpose of “rocks” – God records praise and thanksgiving in his created world for those days when we don’t…won’t – express ourselves…”if you don’t praise,” says Jesus, “the rocks will shout!” – “the trees of the field will clap their hands” – “the skies will declare his glory.”

I am reflecting on my “Thanksgiving List” … how did yours go? … and realized, as I told many people, that most of what was on my list was not things but people, who on a daily basis and at significant moments entered my life, giving me encouragement, insights, direction, and hope. The apostle Paul, at least three different times, said that “people”  –  groups and individuals, inspired him to pray and thank God ( Ephesians 1:16 ; Philippians 1:3-6 ; 1 Corinthians 1:4 ). Of course, that would make sense because each person has been hand-crafted in the image of God…and Jesus did say that when we touched the lives of those around us…we were, in fact, touching him. Do the people in your life know how important they are to you? Do you let people remind you of God…creating praise and prayers? Do you understand the impact you can have on someone else? Imagine – God has placed you were you are in this world for influencing other people.

A little something to “chew on” – have a blessed day!