A Church with a Heart for our Community

May 28th Tuesday

Greetings to you in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ – THE Risen Saviour! What a wonderful day in the Kingdom…did you know that this day has been created for us-specifically by the Lord?…of course you do! but are you going to ‘rejoice and be glad in it’ – note it doesn’t say be glad for it but to be glad in it!. I trust that you had a good weekend and Monday. I am believing that you are going to have an adventurous and purposeful week as God leads you and surprises you and brings people into your life. Today I will be praying for you, asking Father to release an extra measure of healing grace and mercy to your body-mind-spirit-emotions-relationships.

Last week I shared a verse from Proverbs with you: Know the importance of the season you’re in and a wise son [daughter] you will be.  Proverbs 10:5a  TPT. Now, one or two of you have been wondering what season you are in and my first response is that we (all of us) in a pre-Pentecost waiting time. I believe that God through the Holy Spirit is going to do some powerful and peculiar things in and around us…so get ready. In my devotional reading this morning, I was challenged by this statement: ‘…the attitude of the Church in recent days has been, “If I’m uncomfortable with something, it must not be from God.”  Bill Johnson, The Resting Place. and when that happens it seems that our hunger and thirst for God’s presence gets replaced by fear. The season that we are in  must not be a time when we lose our spiritual hunger and thirst. Interesting it is to me that one of the primary missions of the Holy Spirit is to be a “comforter”, as if God wants to ‘settle’ us so He can ‘unsettle’ us – to make us ‘comfortable’ before He makes us ‘uncomfortable’.

As I pondered this, the next part of my morning readings lead me to a few questions from the author, who suggested that there are times when we need to ask God very specifically: What does the spiritual life have to do with the rest of my life? What does it have to do with God? Did I stop listening?…What is this restlessness and emptiness I feel? …How have you been speaking to me all along? Let me hear and know your voice, God.  John Eldredge , Restoration Year. 

I am thinking that I (we) get so used to simply moving along in our Christian journey – being comfortable –  that I (we) stop asking God questions and with that…stop listening for that still small voice.

Something to ponder – be blessed!