A Church with a Heart for our Community

May 21st Tuesday

Greetings to you in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ – THE Risen Saviour! What a beautiful Spring morning in the Kingdom! I think it is time for a little “sing-a-long” : First, ‘Rise and shine and give God the glory’ ; Second, ‘For the beauty of the earth’ ; Third, ‘This is my Father’s world’; Fourth, ‘We’ll sing in the morning the songs of salvation’ Fifth; ‘Jesus bids us shine’…’Jesus wants me for a sunbeam’ . Okay, you can catch your breath. I trust that you had a great weekend and Monday…in spite of the weather. I will be praying for you today, asking Father to  smile upon you and to direct your steps and to whisper “You are loved” into your spirit.

I want to start this week by making you think a little  and that is what my devotional reading did for me. I was asked a question: What is Christianity supposed to do to a person? … What is the effect Christianity is intended to have upon a person who becomes a Christian, seeks to live as a Christian? I like questions like that because there are really no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers…only my answer  and your answer.

To give you another something to ponder…consider this: If Adam knew God as a beloved Father, if Abraham knew God as Friend, if Moses know God as Redeemer, if David knew God as Shepherd, if Daniel knew God as Lion-Tamer, if Mary Magdalene knew God as Bondage-Breaker, if Martha knew God as Promise Keeper, then how do we know God?  Ann Graham Lotz. There must be a unique way or title by which He is known to us according to our personality, our point of need, our access point…who is God to you at this moment in time?

Have a great day..and a good “think” – be blessed!