A Church with a Heart for our Community

May 19th Tuesday

Greetings in the name of Jesus,Water of Life (John 7:37) – THE Crucified and Risen Saviour! What a beautiful morning…sunny. a little cooler, and a gentle breeze. I trust that God smiled on your weekend and Monday, blessing you with health, strength, and a happy heart. We are now only 4 days away from Pentecost Sunday…and our world surely needs a fresh outpouring of Holy Spirit. Today, I will begin praying for, as we approach Pentecost asking Father to release a hunger and thirst for Holy Spirit release.

I want to give thanks today for a Christian leader, James MacDonald, who wrote a devotional that I read last week, and it re-opened a view of my spiritual journey. I have struggled, like many others, with bouts of depression. I have read and listened to the testimony/teaching of fellow-battlers, so that I could understand and respond to and find victory over this formidable enemy. I have learned much and now know that this enemy never quits – he is relentless. Every time I learn a new strategy and find a level of victory, depression attacks from another direction.

Pastor James MacDonald highlights some facts from the story of Elijah – 1 Kings 19 – that I keep forgetting, and probably you do too! First, hear this: Elijah was as human as we are…James 5:17a NLT. Now, the foundational information about the enemy called ‘depression’ – this enemy comes by invitation. If one wants to invite the Big “D” – when you are physically exhausted and emotionally spent find a place where you are alone, so you can be by yourself. When you are by yourself – focus on all the negative things that affect your life and let your emotions do your thinking. Next, forget God’s provision – all the times God came through, all the times God was simply there being faithful to his promises. Okay, how many times have I, and you, done that and Big “D” came creeping in saying, “Thanks for inviting me! I have missed spending time with you.”

How does one “uninvite” Big “D” ? Pastor James highlights some points that remind me of a simple process that I keep forgetting but ultimately keep returning to and the steps are found in 1 Kings 19 starting at verse 9…you can read them for yourself: 1] let God confront you with the question – “what are doing here?”  2] let God reveal himself to you – ‘a whisper’  3] let God provide for you – rest, nourishment  4] immediately do what God is telling you to do  5] get people into your life and get back into fellowship.

I must tell you the truth, which I am sure you already know, this is not a simple process – it requires discipline and courage. When Big “D” entered the door was wide open and he has grown bigger as he dined on your being – now as you are pushing him out with one hand and trying to shut the door with the other …! Remember – you are not alone any longer…God is now an invited guest and friends/family are there too! “Good-bye – Big “D”!

Be blessed!