A Church with a Heart for our Community

June 2nd Tuesday

Greetings to you in the name of the Waymaker-the Miracle Worker, the Promise Keeper, the Light in the Darkness … Jesus Christ – THE Risen Saviour! What a lovely Spring morning in the Kingdom after the rain…and yes, this is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it! I trust that you had a good weekend and Monday, enjoying every blessing God sent your way. Today I will be praying for you, asking Father to surround you with a hedge of protection to keep guard over you – your words, your actions, your thoughts, and your emotions.

Like many of you I have been watching news reports and trying to understand and wondering how do I respond to what I see-hear-feel. Of course, as you would expect, I found insight in a chorus that gave hope and direction in times past. The words go like this: My Lord knows the way through the wilderness-All I have to do is follow-My Lord knows the way through the wilderness-All I have to do is follow-Strength for the day are mine all the way-And all that I need for tomorrow-My Lord knows the way through the wilderness-All I have to do is follow – Sidney Cox. So I have been singing that chorus in my heart and standing on the truth.

As I sang that chorus I wondered to myself – what is the ‘wilderness’ and I found a definition that I can relate to. The wilderness is…it’s a place in life you’d rather not be in, a place of dissatisfaction where you know something better exists. It can be the difficult place you find yourself in today. It can be an unfulfilling career, a broken marriage, or the sting of loneliness that doesn’t go away. It’s the place where you are humbled and stripped bare–the place of not knowing and not understanding. – Candice Simmons, The Wilderness. 

I have a sense that many of us are in the “wilderness” at this time, We did not want this corona virus and we certainly did not want the consequences…self-isolation, limited supplies at stores, waiting in line-ups, wearing masks and gloves, not gathering with friends and for worship, loneliness of being alone, fear, heartbreak, and loss. Our wilderness is unique for each one of us…and we are looking for answers and relief – and the answers are not coming fast now. 

I know from personal experience that the words of the chorus give some powerful truths…my Lord does know the way through the wilderness and as difficult as it is at times something amazing happens when I follow Him. However, the most amazing thing is that each day of my journey brought the strength and direction that I needed. Again, I have learned and continue to learn to follow…and it is a challenge, but it gives me the right to sing that chorus with great assurance.

Something to think about — have a blessed day!