A Church with a Heart for our Community

July 24th Tuesday

Good Day to you and greetings in the name of the “Light of the World”, Jesus Christ – THE Risen Saviour! This I declare to you…”This is the day that the Lord has created for you and I”… and it is beautiful- give Him praise! I trust that you had a blessed weekend and Monday, enjoying the rain…answered prayer, interacting with family and friends, finding purpose in each day, and smiling with the joy of God’s strength. Today I will be praying for you, asking Father to guide and direct your footsteps.

Our morning devotions usually cover a theme for two months. Sometimes the theme is exploring specific Scripture portions and sometimes it guides us through a topic related to Christian growth. Since the beginning of June we have been about “climbing the ladder of faith in a mathematical method” as revealed in a specific Scriptural location. Here is the  text: So devote yourselves to lavishly supplementing your faith with goodness, and to goodness add understanding, and to understanding add the strength of self-control, and to self-control add patient endurance, and to patient endurance add godliness, and to godliness add mercy toward your brothers and sisters, and to mercy toward others add unending love. Since these virtues are planted deep within, and you possess them in abundant supply, they will keep you from being inactive or fruitless in your pursuit of knowing Jesus Christ more intimately. 2 Peter 1:5-8  TPT.

You will note that there is a purpose for ‘climbing the ladder of faith’ by “addition” – to avoid “inactivity and fruitlessness”. Just in case we think that this is going to be a difficult task, we are told that these ‘virtues’ have been planted deep within us…and we possess them in ‘abundant supply’ – so we keep using them. Now in our daily devotions, these virtues are carefully looked at and given application. However, I give them to you to ponder.

So have a blessed day!