A Church with a Heart for our Community

August 23rd Wednesday

Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ – THE Risen Saviour! What a beautiful morning in the Kingdom – a day to enjoy all the ‘extra’ blessings God sends our way. If someone were to ask you the top three reasons for smiling, or having a happy heart today…without using your cliches…how would you respond? Today I will be praying for you, asking Father to surprise you with an unexpected blessing – person, circumstance, or a something – that will cause you to say-think-sing … Praise The Lord!

An interesting ‘coincidence’ happened this morning on my way to the church office. I was driving along the main street, paying attention to the people who were out and about. I drive past a methadone clinic, a couple of coffee shops, a couple of drop-in centres, a few fast-food places, and a variety store or two. I have gotten to know some of the individuals that I saw. It is like a virtual reality prayer prompting – there are people with some interesting and heartbreaking and complex stories. Now, I am listening to a new ‘cd’ and I haven’t heard all the songs as yet, but the song that began to play was called – We All Carry Something by Joe Nichols.

The words of the chorus go like this: We all carry something – That makes us who we are – Standing in the rain – Or deep within our hearts – There lies the pain – Know you’re not alone – So keep holding on. Yes, I say to myself…we all carry something that makes us who we are. Then comes the last verse: Before He died on the tree – Before they nailed His hands and feet – He walked through those city streets – Carrying the sins of you and me. Therein lies our hope, He walks through our busy lives carrying the ‘something’…if we will let Him.

Before I left home this morning I had looked up the lyrics to a song that I want to use in our Monday prayer time, and as it turns out…’coincidence’…they were the response to those carrying a ‘something’. The song – Hope For All Nations – has a chorus that says: Hope, hope for all nations – Hope, hope for every need – Hope, hope for the life that’s been broken – He’s always been – Forever He’ll be … by Karen Peck. The opening verse goes like this: The world is so hungry – But we hold the Bread of Life – Surrounded by darkness – But we know the name of the Light – In a day so divided – We have a love that unites – Jesus, Jesus, He is Hope.

Something to think about – be blessed!  – “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old [something] has gone, the new has come!  –  2 Corinthians 5:17 — There is HOPE for all nations, for every city street, hope or every person.