A Church with a Heart for our Community

August 14th Tuesday

Greetings in the name of the One who calls himself…”The Door” to the Father’s presence, Jesus Christ – THE Risen Saviour! What a beautiful morning in the Kingdom! We need to simply stop for a few moments and “soak-in” the creativity, majesty, and genius of God….a-a-h! doesn’t that feel good. I trust that you had a good weekend and Monday…with lots of “God-incidences” to ponder this week. Today I will be praying for you, asking Father to  use you to speak words of encouragement to someone who desperately needs to know they are loved, valued and believed in.

Yesterday was our noon hour prayer time for our community and one week earlier God has directed that we sing two songs as part of our worship and preparation: “Heal me O God and I shall be healed” and “I am the God that healeth thee.”  – which we did…and the spirit of healing has been present in and around our sanctuary for a week…and there have been ‘healings’ – physical, relationship, attitudes, emotional, in thoughts – taking place. One lady had prayer for her leg, as the doctors suggested that she may have to have a foot amputated. Another woman had her hearing aid given back to her after being ‘lost’ for several days.

We received a prophetic word from a lady who stated that she could envision a covering of God’s power, grace, love, divine activity – over our community. After that was shared, someone else had a reading that God had directed to be read entitled: I Hear His Whisper…”I will blanket cities with My glory!”  In the midst of all this, powerful praying was taking place. This morning I walked into the sanctuary and can still sense the lingering presence of God…and I believe He was whispering–There more!…be prepared!

Something to ponder…