A Church with a Heart for our Community

2018 January 17th Wednesday

Greetings to you on this beautiful winter morning! I trust that you are enjoying the blessings of God as they manifest themselves in your life.

I have been challenged this week by God’s sense of timing in communicating with me through insights from my Scripture/devotional readings. In one of my times with him, He reminded me that everyone who came to a place where they heard from Him were profoundly changed, not because of what they heard but because they were experiencing his nature, his character. God’s ‘voice’, his communication, is a revelation of self-expression on his part.

Since I have been telling people, declaring I suppose, that this year is to be a year of restoration…God, kind of challenged me to accept that personally so I simply said, “I chose to believe that You are the God of restoration.” There are times when I am a little disoriented as I move through this ‘maze’ called life and I follow the advice found in Scripture: Honor Me by trusting in Me in your day of trouble. Cry aloud to Me and I will be there to rescue you. That is what I desire from you!  Psalm 50:15  TPT. I call out to Him and He ‘restores’ my sense of direction – He is the great Restorer!

This morning He spoke rather directly to me…My child, when the Lord God speaks to you, never take his words lightly and never be upset when he corrects you…Proverbs 3:11  TPT. For those who will understand, on this past Sunday I made a declaration – “I want to grow!”…and it would seem that God heard that and decided that two weeks and a bit into the new year, He would be the God of restoration! I am wondering what is going to happen next.

Be blessed!